

发布者:history_05 发布时间:2017-10-05 11:17:00 阅读量:



2017 10 13-15








“Nets at Work: Representing Connection in History”

A Symposium to be held at Renmin University of China, Beijing


13-15 October 2017


Sponsored by the Young Historians’ Workshop, Renmin University of China


Convener: Tu Hsuan-ying, Hou Shen, Gu Liwei

 (School of History, RUC)

201710 13日(周五

14时至 17 30

Friday, 13 October 2017



报到  Registration




开幕  Opening

主持人:高波 beat365官网手机中文版

Chair: Gao Bo (School of History, RUC)


Venue: Auditorium, School  of Art, RUC


14:50-15:10 致辞  Opening Remarks

致辞人:黄兴涛 beat365官网手机中文版

                                                  Speaker: Huang Xingtao (School of History, RUC)


15:10-15:30 合影 Photographs




“Speaking History” Series of Lectures



Lecture I: In Search of Eggs: The Dynamics of Reproduction and the Establishment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in China, 1950-1980


Speaker: Liu XuetingJournalist and Writer




Lecture II: The Entities Shifting in Networks?: The Machine Gun Which Would Have Killed Ramesses II and the Radius of Current Writing on History of Diseases

主讲人:陈昊 beat365官网手机中文版

Speaker: Chen Hao (School of History, RUC)

201710 14日(周六

Saturday, 14 October 2017

900- 1130  10:10 -10:30  茶歇Break

Session A

信息网络中的权力流动 The Circulation of Power in the Network of Information)

人文楼三层会议室 (3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)

主持人:杜宣莹 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Tu Hsuan-ying (School of History, RUC)


初庆东 Chu Qingdong) 华中师范大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture, Central China Normal University)

信息监管与国家秩序:近代早期英格兰文书国家的兴起 Information Surveillance and State Order: The Rise of the Paper State in Early Modern England)


闫建飞 Yan Jianfei) 湖南大学岳麓书院 Yuelu Academy, Hunan University)

唐后期五代的州郡专达 A Study on Prefectures from Zhuanda in the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties)


杜宣莹 Tu Hsuan-ying) beat365官网手机中文版 School of History, RUC)

门客入侵——弗朗西斯沃尔辛厄姆之秘书处与都铎晚期的官僚政治 The Invasion of Clients: Francis Walsingham’s Secretariat and the Politics of Late Tudor Bureaucracy)


古丽巍 Gu Liwei) beat365下载唯一官方网附中&beat365官网手机中文版唐宋史研究中心 (RUC)

宋代枢密院承旨司:从“西院直公”到枢府属司 The Reception of Edicts in the Bureau of Military Affairs in the Song Dynasty)



General Commentator: Fang Cheng-hua (Department of History, Taiwan University)


Session B

近代中国的文化网络与政治实践 The Cultural Networks and Political Practices in Modern China)

人文楼四层会议室 4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building

主持人:高波 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Gao Bo (School  of History, RUC)


韩策 Han Ce) 北京大学历史学系 Department of History, Peking University)

评议人:周月峰(Critic: Zhou Yuefeng

江督非湘人不可:晚清湘人督江格局的形成(The Governor of Liangjiang Must Be From Hunan: The Formation of the Hunanese Governance over Liangjiang District in the Late Qing Dynasty)


高波 Gao Bo) beat365官网手机中文版 School of History, RUC)

评议人:陆胤(Critic: Lu Yin

晚清京师政治网络中“同治”话语的形成与变异(The Formation and Evolution of the Discourse of “Tongzhi” in the Central Political Network of Peking during the Late Qing Dynasty)


陆胤 Lu Yin) 北京大学中文系 Department of Chinese Literature, Peking University)

评议人:韩策(Critic: Han Ce

章太炎的经学与文学:在读写文化的视野 Taiyan Zhang’s Classical Studies and Literature: From the Perspective of Literacy)


周月峰 Zhou Yuefeng) 华中师范大学中国近代史研究所 Institute of Modern Chinese History, Central China Normal University)


Critic: Ji Jianqing, Institute of Cultural Studies, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences

另一场新文化运动:梁启超诸人的文化努力与五四思想界(Another New Cultural Movement: The Cultural Enterprise around Qichao Liang and Its Relation with the May Fourth Intelligentsia)

201710 14日(周六

Saturday, 14 October 2017



Session A

亲疏有别:人际网络中的学人与学术 The Distinction Between the Near and the Distant: The Intellectuals and Their Work in the Human Network)

人文楼三层会议室 3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)

主持人:姜萌 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Jiang Meng (School  of History, RUC)


王坚 Wang Jian) 河北师范大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University)

论清代中后期中州夏峰北学推进的地缘、学缘因素——兼论清学史叙述模式的重塑 The Geographical and Academic Factors Promoting the Xia Feng North School in the Central Plains during the Late Qing Dynasty: Reshaping the Narrative Model of Qing Studies)


姜萌 Jiang Meng) beat365官网手机中文版 School of History, RUC)

清末民初的学人认同与知识生产——以《清史稿》编纂为中心的探讨 Scholars’ Identity and Knowledge Production at the End of the Qing Dynasty: A Study Focusing on the Compilation of The Draft Of Qing Dynasty History)


王庆明 Wang Qingming) 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院 Zhou Enlai School of Management, Nankai University)

国企产权变革中工人的集体话语与个体表达:单位人口述史的方法论反思 The Collective Discourse and Individual Expression of Workers during the Property Right Reform of State-owned Enterprise: Reexamining the Oral History Approach of Danweiren (the Persons Attached to and Identified with Their Employers)



General Commentator: Wang Yulei (School of Public Administration, South China  University of Technology)


 15:30 -16:00  茶歇 Break


 16:00 -17:30

Session B

近代欧洲的思想网络 The Intellectual Network in Modern Europe)

人文楼三层会议室 3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)

主持人:王文婧 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Wang Wenjing (School  of History, RUC)


卢镇 Lu Zhen) 河南大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture, Henan University)

评议人:王文婧(Critic: Wang Wenjing

“保守”还是“革命”:以社会关系网络为视角探析皮科的两个脸谱 “Conservative” or “Revolutionary:” The Interpretation of the Two Faces of Pico in the Social Network Perspective)


周保巍 Zhou Baowei) 华东师范大学政治学系 Department of Politics, East China Normal University)

评议人:王涛(Critic: Wang Tao

启蒙与“a More Enlarged View”:《国富论》与斯密的信息网络 (The Enlightenment and “a More Enlarged View”: The Wealth of Nations and the Information Network of Adam Smith)


王涛Wang Tao南京大学beat365官网手机中文版School of History, Nanjing University

评议人:周保巍(Critic: Zhou Baowei

18世纪欧洲启蒙思想家的人际与思想网络:基于维基百科人物词条(The Networks of Relationship and Knowledge between the Enlightenment Thinkers in 18th-Century Europe: The Example of Wikipedia


14:00 -17:30

Session C

地理知识的传播网络 The Dissemination Network of Geographic Knowledge)

人文楼四层会议室 4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)

主持人:胡恒 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Hu Heng (School of History, RUC)


潘威 Pan Wei),马锦绢 Ma Jinjuan) 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院 Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development, Shaanxi Normal University)

评议人:萧凌波(Critic: Xiao Lingbo

清代黄河志桩报汛制度网络的运作 The Information Management Network of the Yellow River Floods in the Qing Dynasty)


萧凌波 Xiao Lingbo) beat365官网手机中文版 School of History, RUC)

评议人:潘威(Critic: Pan Wei

1736-1911年华北饥荒指数序列重建及其与水旱灾害的时空关系(The Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Famines and Its Relationship With Floods & Droughts in North China, 1736-1911)


刘传飞 Liu Chuanfei) 中国海洋大学文学与新闻传播学院(College of Liberal Arts, Journalism and Communication, Ocean University of China)

评议人:张佳静(Critic: Zhang Jiajing

中西地图传统交汇下的清末《新疆全省舆地图》(The Complete Atlas of Xinjiang (Xinjiang Quansheng Yuditu) Produced in the Convergence of the Sino-Western Cartographic Traditions in the Late Qing Dynasty)


张佳静 Zhang Jiajing) 中国科学院大学人文学院 School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

评议人:刘传飞(Critic: Liu Chuanfei

地图晕渲法在近代中国的传播与应用 The Dissemination and Application of the Hill Shading Method in Modern China)


胡迪 Hu Di) 南京师范大学地理科学学院 School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University)

评议人:胡恒(Critic: Hu Heng

历史地理信息时空建模与定位方法研究 The Spatio-Temporal Modeling And Positioning Approach of Historical Geographic Information)


胡恒 Hu Heng) beat365官网手机中文版 School of History, RUC)

评议人:胡迪(Critic: Hu Di

GIS所见冲繁疲难与清代政治地理格局初探 The Chong-Fan-Pi-Nan System and the Political Geographic Pattern in the Qing Dynasty Based on GIS)





201710 15日(周日

Sunday, 15 October 2017

900-113010:10 -10:30  茶歇Break

Session A

纠缠于环境之网 The Entanglements of Humans with Their Environments)

人文楼三层会议室 3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)

主持人:侯深 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Hou Shen (School  of History, RUC)


段蕾 Duan Lei) beat365下载唯一官方网校长办公室 Presidential Office, RUC)

20世纪80年代的官厅水库治理:一个环境与政治的互动视角 The Regulation of the Guanting Reservoir in the 1980s: A Perspective on the Interaction between Environment and Politics)


柯安慈 Agnes Kneitz) 慕尼黑大学蕾切尔·卡森环境与社会中心 The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

人类疾病网络:1910年德占青岛之肺鼠疫 Human-Disease-Networks: The 1910 Pneumonic Plague in German Qingdao)


刘向阳 Liu Xiangyang) 河北师范大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University)

美国环境治理中经济手段与政治力量的交织——以成本效益分析的运用为例The Intertwining of the Economic Means and Political Power in American Environmental Governance: A Case Study Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis)


王瓒玮 Wang Zanwei) 中国社会科学院日本研究所 The Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

记忆之网中的日本阪神淡路大地震 The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in the Memory Web)


徐轶杰 Xu Yijie) 中国社会科学院当代中国研究所 The Institute of Contemporary China Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences )

全球地方性环境危机:北京对于空气污染的不懈斗争 (Global-Local Environmental Crises: Beijing’s Persistent Fight Against Air Pollution)



General Commentator: Cao Mu (School of History and Culture, Tianjin Normal University)


Session B

网络、组织与历史时期的社会 Network, Organization, and Historical Societies)

人文楼四层会议室 4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building

主持人:林展 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Chair: Lin Zhan (School of History, RUC)


彭凯翔 Peng Kaixiang) 河南大学经济学院 School of Economics, Henan University)

评议人:郝煜(Critic: Hao Yu

明清中国的世俗知识传播与市场运作 The Diffusion of Popular Knowledge and the Operation of the Market in Ming and Qing China)


周琳 Zhou Lin) 四川大学历史文化学院 School of History and Culture, Sichuan University)


Critic: Hu Xiangyu (School of History, RUC)

为何殴斗不止?——乾隆至同治时期的重庆脚夫组织The Logic of Fighting: The Porter Organization of Qing Dynasty Chongqing, 1773-1874)


郝煜 Hao Yu) 北京大学经济学院 School of Economic, Peking University)


Critic: Zhu Hu (School of History, RUC)

平天国、绅士的崛起和慈善组织的发展 The Taiping Rebellion, Charity Institutions and the Rise Of Gentry)


李楠 Li Nan) 上海财经大学经济学院 School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

评议人:林展(Critic: Lin Zhan

交通网络与疫病传播:基于近代东北流行性鼠疫的考察,1880-1911 Transportation Network and the Spread of Disease: The Manchurian Plague,1880-1911)



201710 15日(周日

Sunday, 15 October 2017


闭幕  Closing

主持人:侯深 beat365官网手机中文版

Chair: Hou Shen (School of History, RUC)


Venue: Yifu Conference Center, RUC



1330-1500 主题演讲Keynote Speech


Female Scientists in the People’s Republic of China and Their Networks of Knowledge

主讲人:张藜 中国科学院大学人文学院

Speaker: Zhang Li (School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)



1500-1530 茶歇 (Break)


1530-1700 圆桌会议 Roundtable Discussion

主持人:侯深 (beat365官网手机中文版)

Moderator: Hou Shen (School of History, RUC)

与谈人:方震华 (台湾大学历史学系)、陆胤(北京大学中文系)、彭凯翔(河南大学经济学院)、王雨磊(华南理工大学公共管理学院)、朱浒(beat365官网手机中文版)

Speakers: Fang Cheng-hua (Department of History, Taiwan University), Lu Yin (Department of Chinese Literature, Peking University), Peng Kaixiang (School of Economics, Henan University), Wang Yulei (School of Public Administration, South China University of Technology), Zhu Hu (School of History, RUC)



17:00-17:30致辞  Closing Remarks

关键词的兔子洞与写作的路标: 写历史:实践中的反思系列会议的后记与致谢

A Rabbit Hole of Keywords and the Signposts of Writing: The Epilogue of the “Writing History: Reflection During Practices” Symposiums Series

致辞人:陈昊 beat365官网手机中文版

Speaker: Chen Hao (School of History, RUC)




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